One Click POS – ERP Module

One Click POS - ERP Module

Discover the power of the One Click POS – ERP Module, a comprehensive solution crafted to streamline and optimize business management across various industries. Our ERP module offers seamless financial tracking, precise stock control, and efficient office operations, all within an intuitive, user-friendly platform. This system provides the foundation for effective and scalable enterprise management.

Key Features:

  • User Access Control: The One Click POS – ERP Module allows for up to two unique user roles:
    • Owner Access: Complete control over all system features.
    • Manager/Administrator Access: Restricted access based on customizable company configurations.

Unlock the full potential of your business with the One Click POS – ERP Module, tailored to enhance productivity and operational efficiency.

One Click POS - ERP Module


The Reporting sub-module within One Click POS’s ERP Module offers a real-time snapshot of company cashflow and stock levels, providing a day-to-day overview of branch operations. Dive into detailed performance insights on specific days and access the centralized dashboard for a comprehensive view of your business operations.

One Click POS - Report Module


Office Reporting: Gain insights into your company’s financial health with the Office Reporting feature. This overview includes the company’s cash balance, providing the flexibility to assess financial performance on any given date. Detailed breakdowns encompass cash sales from branches/divisions, client payments, bank withdrawals, company cash income, company cash expenses, and bank deposits.

Branch-Level Performance: Navigate the performance of individual branches effortlessly. Obtain date-specific overviews, examining the types of clients (public, client, or stock transfer) and various sales types (cash, card, mobile, credit). This reporting also encompasses registered expenses for a comprehensive understanding of each branch’s financial and operational dynamics.

Report Module - Office

Additional Features in Office Reporting:

  1. Audit Functionality: Perform a comprehensive audit to verify the accuracy of the company’s balance. The audit calculates all inflows and outflows within the company’s cash account for a thorough financial assessment.

  2. Quick Search Capability: Conduct rapid searches on office cash transactions, facilitating efficient navigation and access to specific financial data.

  3. Resync Function: Easily resync the page to retrieve the latest data. While the page doesn’t auto-refresh to conserve data usage, it can be customized to auto-refresh at specified intervals for real-time updates.

  4. Printable Cash Account: Generate a printable copy of the company’s cash account, providing a tangible record for further analysis or documentation.

  5. Printable Page Option: Create a printable copy of the entire page (screenshot), offering a snapshot of the current financial status for offline reference or reporting purposes.

  6. Seen Status Feature: Owners can use the “Mark as Seen” option for expenses and office inflows/outflows, providing a convenient way to track reviewed entries. Administrators also have the capability to mark expenses as seen, with their designation displayed as an “x,” while owners’ marked entries are highlighted in yellow or blue, depending on the owner.


Stock Reporting: Navigate your company’s stock position effortlessly with the Stock Reporting feature. This comprehensive page provides a real-time overview of the stock position in every branch, allowing you to assess stock levels at any given date. Each branch’s stock report adheres to specific business rules (configurable in the company settings), governing sales permissions.

Key Features:

  • Opening Balance: Displays the initial stock balance.
  • Stock Entry (In): Tracks stock additions.
  • Stock Outflows: Illustrates how stock was utilized – through public sales, specific client transactions, or stock transfers.
  • Total Value: Highlights the total value for each case at the top row for each branch.
  • Current Stock: Provides a snapshot of the current stock position.
  • Stock in Transit: Represents stock being tracked when in transit between branches, displayed in red boxes.
  • Confirmation Loop: The stock report doesn’t show stock entry (“In” column) for stock transfers until the receiving branch confirms receipt, closing the loop and ensuring accurate tracking even during transit.

This feature not only facilitates efficient stock management but also ensures compliance with branch-specific sales regulations defined in the company configuration settings.

Report Module - Stock

Additional Stock Reporting Features:

  1. Stock Audit: Conduct meticulous stock audits for each branch, verifying the accuracy of the stock in the system. This feature utilizes all transactions (in and out) to calculate the stock, ensuring precise and reliable stock information.

  2. Resync Function: Similar to the office reporting, easily resync the stock page to fetch the latest data. While the page doesn’t auto-refresh to conserve data usage, it can be customized to auto-refresh at specified intervals for real-time updates.

  3. Print Functionality: Utilize the print option to generate hard copies of the stock table, offering a convenient way to create physical records for audits, analysis, or documentation purposes.


The Dashboard, an ever-evolving feature, continually incorporates new reports based on innovation, customer demand, and system usage. The key differentiator of the Dashboard lies in its analytical prowess, providing an aggregated overview at both the branch and company levels.

Key Features:

  • Aggregated Overview: Unlike the Office and Stock features that provide specific date overviews, the Dashboard offers aggregated views over any number of days, providing hourly and daily insights. Summarizing data in both value and item counts, it allows for customization with today, 7 days, 30 days, and custom date ranges for aggregation.

Analytics Insights:

  • Sales Analysis: Gain in-depth insights into sales performance.
  • Stock Analysis: Analyze stock trends and levels over time.
  • Product Analysis: Understand product performance and popularity.
  • Expenses Analysis: Track and analyze expenses patterns.
  • Tabular Summary: Provides a summarized view of all ins and outs within the specified date range.

Note: As of the current date (27.12.23), product categorical analysis, client analysis and a comprehensive company overview are in development and will be incorporated into future updates.

Additional Features for Graphs within the Dashboard:

Enhance your analytical experience with these versatile features for each graph within the Dashboard:

  1. Copy and Paste as Image: Effortlessly capture and integrate graphs into external documents by copying and pasting them as images.

  2. Save as Image: Store and archive graphs by saving them as images, providing a convenient way to track historical data.

  3. Zoom to Fit: Optimize your viewing experience by zooming graphs to fit your preferred level of detail and analysis.

  4. Open in New Window: Elevate visual clarity by opening each graph in a new window, facilitating better visualization and in-depth analysis.

Report Module - Dashboard

Sales Report

The Sales Report within the Dashboard offers a comprehensive overview of aggregated sales, presenting insights by hour, day, or month for the selected date range.

Key Features:

  1. Aggregation Options: Explore sales data aggregated over specific periods—hour, day, or month—offering a nuanced understanding of sales patterns.

  2. Key Metrics: Gain valuable insights into key financial metrics, including total sales, total cost of goods sold, total expenses, total stock transfers, gross profit, and net profit values.

  3. Product Performance Insights: Identify trends with a focus on the top 10 and bottom 5 moving products, providing actionable insights into product performance and market dynamics.

This Sales Report serves as a dynamic tool within the Dashboard, empowering users with detailed analytics for informed decision-making.

Note: The upcoming update will include the integration of VAT information into the Dashboard, further enhancing the depth of financial analysis.

Stock Report

Mirroring the comprehensive Stock Report under Reporting, the Dashboard’s Stock Report offers an aggregated perspective over today, 7 days, 30 days, or custom date ranges. It provides a detailed overview of stock movements, encompassing opening balances, stock entries, stock outflows, total values, and current stock levels.

Key Features:

  • Aggregation Options: View stock data aggregated over specific periods—today, 7 days, 30 days, or custom date ranges—for a holistic understanding of stock dynamics.

  • Top 20 and Bottom 10 Sellers: Gain valuable insights into product performance with a focus on the top 20 and bottom 10 selling items, offering a snapshot of stock trends.

Dashboard - Stock Report

Additional Features for Stock Report within the Dashboard:

Enhance your analytical capabilities and tailor your view with these additional features:

  1. Sortable Columns: Effortlessly organize and analyze data by making every column in the stock table sortable. This flexibility ensures a customizable and user-friendly experience.

  2. Tailored Sorting Options: Customize your product sorting preferences with options for alphabetical, categorical, or a tailored view. This feature, configured in the system settings, allows you to adapt the presentation of products to match your specific business needs.

Product Report

The Product Report in the Dashboard facilitates in-depth analysis of individual products, mirroring the structure and aggregation options of the Sales Report.

Key Features:

  1. Aggregation Options: Utilize the same aggregation options as the Sales Report—hour, day, or month—providing flexibility for detailed product performance analysis.

  2. Comprehensive View: Obtain a detailed view of an individual product’s performance, serving as a focused counterpart to the broader Sales Report.

  3. Sales Differentiation: Highlight how the product was sold, distinguishing between public sales and client transactions. Additionally, track the quantity sent to another branch for comprehensive insights.

  4. Client-Specific Purchases: Gain visibility into client-specific purchasing behavior, showcasing how much of the product was bought by each specific client.

This Product Report is a powerful tool for dissecting the performance of individual products within the broader sales landscape, offering nuanced insights into sales strategies and client preferences.

Expense Report

The Expense Report in the Dashboard offers a comprehensive view of all expenses, with options for both categorical and sub-categorical analysis.

Key Features:

  1. Aggregation Options: Leverage the same aggregation options—hour, day, or month—providing a versatile approach to expense analysis.

  2. Holistic Expense Overview: Gain insights into all expenses, providing a complete and detailed picture of financial outflows.

  3. Categorical and Sub-Categorical Views: Analyze expenses categorically and explore sub-categorical breakdowns, offering a granular understanding of where resources are allocated.

  4. Top 10 and Bottom 5 Expenses: Identify trends and areas of focus with a summary of the top 10 and bottom 5 expenses, facilitating strategic financial decision-making.

This Expense Report serves as a valuable tool within the Dashboard, empowering users with a comprehensive understanding of financial allocations and highlighting areas for optimization.

Summary Report

The Summary Report in the Dashboard provides a concise tabular overview, capturing key financial metrics with aggregation options for today, 7 days, 30 days, or custom date ranges. Key features include:

  1. Total Stock Entry: Track the total stock entry for each day, offering insights into inventory management and stock movement.

  2. Total Sales Breakdown: Explore total sales categorized by method of payment, providing a detailed breakdown of revenue sources.

  3. Total Expenses: Understand the total expenses incurred each day, providing visibility into financial outflows.

  4. Net Sales Calculation: Automatically calculate net sales per day by subtracting total expenses from the sum of total stock entry and total sales.

  5. Total of Totals: Summarize the grand totals for each column per day, providing an aggregate view of daily financial activities.

This Summary Report serves as a versatile tool for quickly assessing daily financial activities within the Dashboard, allowing for dynamic analysis based on different timeframes.

Dashboard - Summary

Additional Feature for Summary Report within the Dashboard:

  • Data Analysis Compatibility: Effortlessly transfer your financial data into external analysis tools, such as Excel, by copying and pasting the summary table. This feature enhances flexibility and facilitates further in-depth analysis using your preferred data analysis software.


The Office Module serves as the central hub for orchestrating the company’s financial transactions. While it doesn’t display data directly, it acts as the primary source where crucial feeding occurs, capturing and managing cash inflows (cash incomes, client debt payments, bank withdrawals) and outflows (cash expenses, bank deposits). This foundational role ensures accurate financial reporting and analysis throughout the One Click POS system.

One Click POS - Office Module

Office In

Office In serves as the entry point for any cash inflows into the company, distinct from branch-level transactions. This feature accommodates various types of incomes, returns on investment, or any cash influxes to the company. Users can enhance record-keeping by adding descriptions, providing clarity on the purpose and nature of each entry. Office In within the Office Module ensures meticulous tracking and documentation of all incoming financial resources at the company level.

Client In

Client In captures transactions when a client, having made a purchase on credit from a branch, proceeds to make a payment. This feature is essential as client accounts are managed at the company level. When a client settles their account, the Office Module is updated, reflecting the payment in both the company’s cash account and the client’s individual account. If the client pays in cash, it is seamlessly added to the company’s cash account as an inflow. For transactions involving card, EFT, or bank deposit, transparency is ensured by categorizing them as cash inflows to the company account, subsequently recording them as outflows to the associated bank account for accurate and transparent financial tracking. Additionally, clients have the flexibility to leave deposits in their account for future purchases, adding a layer of convenience beyond straightforward invoice payments.

Note: Demo Client & Bank were with opening balance of 0.

Bank to Office

Bank to Office is the module that manages any withdrawal of funds from the bank, ensuring transparency in financial movements. All transactions pass through the company’s account before being allocated or utilized. Typically, this feature is utilized when issuing a cheque, reflecting as a cash inflow in the company’s cash account. Users have the ability to add a description, facilitating detailed record-keeping and providing insights into the purpose of each withdrawal. Bank to Office within the Office Module ensures meticulous tracking of fund movements for accurate financial management.

Office Out

Office Out mirrors the functionality of Office In but is dedicated to outflows from the company. This encompasses company-level expenses, cash investments, and any other form of cash outflow. Transactions recorded in Office Out are seamlessly reflected in the Office Report within the Report Module, ensuring a comprehensive overview of company-level financial activities. This feature serves as a vital component for accurate tracking and reporting of cash outflows at the company level.

Office to Bank

Office to Bank represents the counterpart to Bank to Office, focusing on the process of making a cash deposit to a bank. This action results in a decrease in the company’s cash account and a corresponding increase in the bank account. Notably, when clients make payments through the bank, the system automatically registers an Office to Bank entry, ensuring accurate and seamless financial tracking. This feature is instrumental in maintaining balance and transparency between the company’s cash and bank accounts within the One Click POS system.

Bank to Bank

Bank to Bank is a feature currently under development, requiring a manual two-step process for fund transfer (As of: 28.12.23). Initially, a withdrawal (Bank to Office) is executed, followed by a deposit to the target bank (Office to Bank). While not automated, this approach ensures a systematic and accurate movement of funds between banks within the Office Module. Future enhancements aim to streamline this process, providing users with a more efficient and direct Bank to Bank functionality.



  • Office In: Increases company cash.
  • Client In: If cash payment, increases company cash and decreases client balance. If bank payment, increases company cash and decreases both company and client balances.
  • Bank to Office: Increases company cash and decreases bank balance.


  • Office Out: Decreases company cash.
  • Office to Bank: Decreases company cash and increases bank balance.


  • Bank to Bank: Manual process involving a withdrawal (Increases Company & Decreases Bank) and a deposit (Decreases Company & Increases Bank).


The Bank Module empowers companies to monitor their bank accounts seamlessly, eliminating the need for constant reference to bank statements. Notably, the system doesn’t establish direct links with banks but instead enables companies to reconcile with bank statements at regular intervals, in accordance with company policies. It’s essential to acknowledge that minor variations between the bank’s statement and the system’s balance may occur, attributed to monthly bank fees and interest charges. The Bank Module serves as a robust tool for maintaining accurate financial oversight and reconciliation within the One Click POS system.

One Click POS - Bank Module

Bank Out

Bank Out, within the banking module, facilitates outflows from a bank without impacting the company’s cash account. Primarily designed for reconciliation purposes, it allows the removal of bank fees and charges incurred, ensuring alignment with bank statements. Additionally, if the company’s bank account serves as petty cash, card payments can be deducted directly without the necessity for the office account to reflect the transaction, streamlining financial operations within the One Click POS system.

Note: Bank Out transactions are shown in the bank history as (TO) – transaction out in bold for transparency.

Manage Bank

Manage Bank provides a comprehensive overview of all banks in the system, showcasing their current balances. Users have the flexibility to designate a bank as a mobile wallet, specifically utilized in the POS system. At the top, the total company balance is displayed, consolidating all bank balances. The module supports the editing of bank names and the mobile wallet status.

Additionally, Manage Bank facilitates the viewing of a bank’s transaction history. By default, the system displays the last 30 days of history but allows users to adjust the Start Date for a more extended historical record. This feature enhances transparency and accessibility to vital banking information within the One Click POS system.

Additional Feature for Bank Account within Bank Module:

1. Audit Bank Account Feature:  An additional feature in Manage Bank enables users to perform a comprehensive audit of a bank account, providing insights into the balance from the inception of the account. This functionality enhances financial transparency and allows for a meticulous examination of the bank’s historical balance data within the One Click POS system.

2. Bank Statement Feature (since 13.01.2024): Gain clarity into your financial transactions with detailed bank statements, tracking every deposit and withdrawal seamlessly.

Add Bank

The Add Bank feature enables users to effortlessly set up a bank account within the system. The account name corresponds to the bank’s name for easy tracking. Additionally, this feature supports the incorporation of Bank POS Terminals in branches, facilitating efficient monitoring of transactions within store locations. It’s important to note that this feature does not imply direct acceptance of bank payments but rather enhances the system’s capacity for comprehensive financial management and record-keeping within the One Click POS system.

Note: The opening balance is added as a transaction for auditing purposes.


The Client Module focuses on managing the clients associated with the business, providing enhanced capabilities for tracking their purchases and payments. Additionally, this module facilitates credit sales to clients, contributing to a more streamlined and efficient client management process within the One Click POS system.

One Click POS - Client Module

Client In

Similar to Bank Out, Client In in the Client Module enables the manipulation of client accounts without impacting the office account. This functionality serves various purposes, including providing discounts to clients in monetary value, adjusting accounts as needed, and implementing debt forgiveness. Client In enhances flexibility in client management within the One Click POS system.

Note: Client In transactions are shown in bold.

Manage Client

Much like Manage Bank, the Manage Client feature presents the current client list with the flexibility to view client history. It provides essential details such as the client’s address, VAT number, and balance. The module allows for administrative controls, including the option to hide a client from the administrator/manager and conceal the balance from the POS module.

Moreover, Manage Client facilitates the editing of client details such as name, VAT number, address, visibility settings (Hide from Admin & Hide from POS). Additionally, the option to soft-delete a client is available, ensuring that deleted clients are hidden from the list while preserving data integrity within the One Click POS system.

Additional Feature for Client Account within Client Module:

1. Audit Client Account Feature: An additional feature akin to the banking module, Client Module introduces the Audit functionality. This feature empowers users to conduct a comprehensive audit of client accounts, gaining insights into the historical balances and transactions since the inception of the client account. The Audit feature enhances transparency and offers valuable tools for meticulous client account examination within the One Click POS system.

2. Reverse Credit Sale Feature: a feature providing a seamless way to undo credit transactions. When a sale is made on credit, this functionality allows for the effortless reversal of the transaction. The system automatically initiates a stock transfer, returning the products back to the originating branch. Simultaneously, the client’s account is appropriately adjusted, ensuring accurate and efficient handling of credit sales. This feature streamlines the process of rectifying credit transactions, contributing to the overall flexibility and control offered by One Click POS system.

3. Client Statement Feature (since 13.01.2024): Elevate client management with comprehensive statements, providing a transparent overview of their transactions and account activities.

Add Client

The Add Client feature facilitates the seamless creation of new clients for businesses. This feature includes optional fields for the client’s address and VAT number, which can be utilized in invoice printing. Notably, the system provides the flexibility to hide the client from the administrator/manager (viewable only to the Owner) and conceal the client balance from the POS Module—particularly useful for client credit sales within the One Click POS system.

Note: The opening balance is added as a transaction for auditing purposes.


The Branch/Division Module introduces six essential features to monitor the real-time progress of each branch. Distinguishing itself from the Reporting Module, this module provides combined sales and stock reports tailored to individual branches.

  • Sales & Stock Report: Offers a comprehensive view akin to the office report but tailored for the branch. Displays sales, expenses, products in stock, and out-of-stock items. Users can print incoming, outgoing, current stock, and expense reports, with the flexibility to view reports for any date.

  • Transactions: Lists all sales transactions (in & out) at the branch, enabling the reprinting of duplicate invoices (A4 & Thermal printing). Provides a breakdown of each line item within a specific invoice and allows viewing sales for any chosen day.

  • Stock In: Facilitates the process of providing stock to a branch, handling returns, or correcting stock discrepancies. Automatically generates a Guide for Transport upon completion of stock entry. The branch’s POS Module acknowledges the stock sent, allowing for real-time acceptance.

  • Sales Report: Presents a summarized version of the sales report, offering insights into net cash sales, the number of sales, total sales amount, total expenses amount, total stock transfers, number of payments, their total values for each recorded payment method, and a list of expenses.

  • Inventory Report: Displays the current inventory in monetary and stock terms, showcasing available items at the selected branch. Similar to the Stock Report in the Reporting Module, it provides sorting and searching mechanisms.

  • Stock Report: Resembles the Inventory Report but includes the entire product list, including items out of stock. Equipped with sorting and searching functionalities, it offers a comprehensive overview of stock status at the branch.

One Click POS - Branch Module

Sales & Stock Report

This feature offers a comprehensive sales overview, delineating buyers (public or clients) and detailing payment methods and respective amounts. Similar to the Office in the Reporting Module, it also itemizes branch expenses. On the stock side, the initial table displays current stock, with the view icon revealing out-of-stock items. It tracks stock receipts, inter-branch transfers, and sales to the public or clients, providing opening and closing stock balances.

Additional Features:

  • Resync Page: Manually update for the latest information (to save data but could be auto-refreshed on request).
  • Print Screenshot: Capture and print a snapshot of the page.
  • Print Expense List: Document and print detailed expense records.
  • Download PDF: Acquire a comprehensive PDF of the entire stock list.
  • Download CSV: Export CSV files for all stock entries and exits.
  • Stock Audit: Verify and reconcile stock accuracy for improved reliability.

Transactions (In & Out)

This feature presents a detailed list of all transactions for a specific day (in & out), encompassing transaction ID, timestamp, and amounts. For deeper analysis, each transaction can be individually examined, offering the functionality to reprint the transaction on A4 or Thermal printing paper.

Note: The system automatically assigns internal IDs to sales. However, the invoice number follows a structure: [Branch’s Serial Letter]-[Invoice Number]-[System ID].

Note: Transaction IDs serve as indicators for various transactions. If the ID comprises a mix of numbers and letters, it denotes a stock-in from the ERP side. In the case where the initial characters align with another branch’s serial, it signifies a stock transfer; otherwise, it indicates a sale.

Stock In

The Stock In feature facilitates processing returns, adjusting stock as needed, and, until the introduction of the purchasing feature, serves as the method for making stock entry to a branch after purchase. Comparable to using the POS Module for selling to the branch, this feature is available with both the Name-based POS and Barcode-based POS options, offering flexibility based on the company’s system preferences. Upon confirmation of stock entry, a Transport Guide in PDF format is automatically generated, and the branch’s POS receives a notification indicating the successful stock entry.

Note: The POS Module explains the interface in details.

Sales Report

The Sales Report provides a condensed overview of today’s sales, featuring net cash sales, the number of invoices, total sales, and total expenses. Additionally, it highlights the total stock transfers that occurred. The report breaks down sales by payment methods (cash, card, mixed payments, credit sales), specifying the number of payments made. It also details the various expenses incurred during the day.

Branch Module - Sales Report


The Inventory Report displays the current available stock, facilitating analysis of product availability, expiry dates, prices, and overall inventory value. The user-friendly interface allows for efficient search and scrolling functionalities, enhancing ease of navigation and stock management. Additional features include the ability to print the stock report and perform a stock audit for comprehensive stock management.

Note: In the absence of stock enforcement, negative stock quantities may occur.

Note: The system automatically employs color codes to distinguish items approaching expiration and those already expired.

Branch Module - Inventory


The Stock Report provides a detailed view of the current inventory based on the company’s product list, offering insights into items in and out of stock. The user-friendly interface allows for efficient search and scrolling functionalities, enhancing ease of navigation and stock management. Additional features include the ability to print the stock report and perform a stock audit for comprehensive stock management.

Note: In the absence of stock enforcement, negative stock quantities may occur.

Note: The system automatically employs color codes to distinguish items approaching expiration and those already expired.

Note: The system excludes items with negative quantities when calculating the inventory value.

Branch Module - Stock


The Product Module is the central hub for adding, editing, updating, duplicating, and managing the company’s product list. It is seamlessly linked to all branches, ensuring that any modifications to the product list are instantly reflected in real-time across all branches.

One Click POS - Product Module

Manage Product

The Manage Product feature serves as the central hub for comprehensive product management, offering essential functionalities like pagination, sorting, and searching. It provides a detailed overview of each product, including properties like barcode, name, description, category, cost price, price before VAT, VAT, price with VAT, lot numbers, expiry dates, and an additional field for the company’s internal use.

This feature allows seamless editing and updating of products, with changes reflected in real-time across all branches. Before making edits, the current stock of the product is displayed in all branches, providing insights into the inventory levels. Checking stock levels and product details is facilitated, eliminating the need to navigate to the stock report.

Product deletion is conditional, only allowed when there is no existing stock across any branches. Additionally, the duplication feature enables the creation of product variations with distinct properties, such as different prices, lot numbers, and expiry dates. This system efficiently manages various stock instances of the same product, streamlining the process of adjusting specific properties while keeping others consistent.

Add Product

Add Product in the Product Module:

The Add Product feature enables the creation of a new product with customizable properties to suit your inventory management needs. The product properties include:

  • Barcode (optional): Scan your product’s barcode for efficient identification.
  • Name (required): Assign a name to the product.
  • Description (optional): Provide a detailed description of the product.
  • Category (optional): Categorize the product for better organization.
  • Cost Price (required): Set the cost price of the product, even if it’s zero.
  • Selling Price (required): Specify the selling price, even if it’s zero.
  • Lot (optional): Include a lot number or code for the product.
  • Expiry Date (optional): Set the expiry date for the product.
  • Comment (optional): Utilize an extra field for company-specific information.
  • IVA/VAT (optional): Tick if the product is subject to IVA/VAT.

For IVA/VAT-inclusive products, two options are available:

  1. Add VAT to the selling price (IVA/VAT percentage set during system setup).
  2. Indicate that the selling price already includes IVA/VAT.

Upon adding a product, it is automatically included in all branches with a starting quantity of zero, ready for stock allocation.

Note: The crucial distinction between the “Add” and “Duplicate” product features lies in the Duplicate function’s ability to preserve the fixed properties of a product, such as its name and description. This enables you to have identical products with variations in specific properties.

Sort Product

The “Sort Product” feature is applicable when a company utilizes fewer than 300 products. By default, products are ordered alphabetically unless the settings are adjusted to use Categorical or Tailored/Custom sorting.

This feature empowers users to customize the order of their products, which is then reflected across various reports displaying the product list (dashboard, stock report, manage product, inventory, etc.). This is particularly advantageous for companies seeking a tailored approach to monitor their products based on specific criteria. For instance, prioritizing best-sellers and new products by placing them in the top 5 ensures that product lists in various reports align with the desired order, facilitating efficient product tracking.

Note: By default, the addition of a new product places it at the end of the sorting list.

Product Module - Sort


The Human Resources (HR) Module is the central hub for managing all employee-related activities, including records, loans, overtime, absences, leaves, and salary payments. It is seamlessly integrated across the organization, ensuring that any updates or changes are instantly reflected in real-time across all departments.

One Click POS - HR Module

Add Loan

The Add Loan feature allows you to record a loan for an employee, displaying their current balance and the amount they are expected to repay at the end of the month. This feature ensures that both the employee and the company agree on the repayment amount, streamlining the process and providing clear insights into expected loan repayments. By adding a loan, it will automatically be added to the employee’s profile, which can be viewed in the Manage Employee section.

Add Overtime

The Add Overtime feature allows you to allocate overtime for employees based on your configured overtime rules. You can either set their working hours for a specific date or directly indicate the number of overtime hours worked. The system lets you apply a multiplier to the overtime hours on their hourly rate, and it automatically calculates and adds the overtime amount, which is then reflected in the Manage Employee section.

Add Absent

The Add Absent feature allows you to record the date and reason for an employee’s absence. This information is then automatically reflected in the Manage Employee section.

Add [Employee]

The Add Employee feature allows you to add a new employee to the system. You can set the loan balance as an opening balance for data migration and assign the number of remaining leave days for the year.

Manage [Employee]

The Manage Employee feature provides a comprehensive overview of your employees’ current status. You can edit or delete employee records, view their loan, absence, and leave histories, and see when their last salary was paid. This feature also allows you to pay an employee by creating a salary slip, enable employees to sell their leave, or process leave claims.

When creating a salary slip, the expected loan repayment amount is automatically set but can be adjusted based on the agreement with the employee. Overtime is automatically included, and any absences can be deducted from the salary or offset against leave. The salary slip is then generated and ready for printing. Once the salary is paid, it automatically reduces the Office Cash Account of the company and updates the employee’s profile.

Employee leave is automatically added each year based on the configurations set in the system, ensuring that leave balances are up to date. Additionally, the system includes audit tools that allow you to review and audit employee balances, absences, leave, and other related records, ensuring accuracy and transparency across all employee data.


The Category Module enables the creation and editing of categories for products and expenses (as of 30.12.23). There are two categorizations available:

  1. Product Categorization: Allows categorizing products into one level, particularly useful for Takeaway, Coffee Shop, and Restaurant-based POS. Categories can be edited (affecting all linked products) and deleted (uncategorizing all products in that category). Products are assigned a default “Uncategorized” category.

  2. Expense Categorization: Enables categorizing expenses into two levels (category and sub-category). Editing or deleting an expense doesn’t affect past expenses, preserving their recorded information.

Upon category creation, the entire ecosystem automatically reflects the categories (ERP & POS Modules).


The Configurations/Settings module is where business rules and system parameters are defined. It comprises several tabbed pages:

  1. Branch Names:

    • Displays Branch Names set up during the initial system configuration.
    • Allows disabling branches for faster processing and data efficiency.
    • Provides options to set Nuit/Tax Number and Address for invoices.
    • For businesses in the Takeaway, Coffee Shop & Restaurant industry, it enables the selection of POS System roles for each branch, facilitating versatile usage.
  2. Branch Rules:

    • Configures business rules for client sales and stock transfers between branches.
    • Enables or disables client sales and stock transfers based on company policies.
  3. Printer Names:

    • Allows the configuration of Thermal Printers used for invoicing.
  4. Reporting Rules:

    • Determines the ordering of products throughout the system.
    • Options include Manual Sort/Custom/Tailored (using Sort Product ordering), Alphabetical (listing products alphabetically by name), and Categorical (listing products in categorical order).
  5. Admin Access Rules:

    • Controls access permissions for the Administrator/Manager to access Modules in the ERP Module.
    • The Dashboard is disabled by default for the Administrator/Manager role.
  6. Employees (Released 18.08.24):

    • Set the default number of leave days, automatically applied to employees at the start of a new year.
    • Configure overtime rules, including when overtime begins and the rate applied per hour.
    • Define salary regulations to ensure compliance with company policies.

Restaurant Settings

The Restaurant Settings module is tailored for Takeaway, Coffee Shop & Restaurant businesses, encompassing industry-specific business rules. It includes configuration options for the number of tables in the establishment, catering to the unique requirements of the restaurant industry.

Restaurant Settings - Table Configuration

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