Document Generator Tool
The Document Generator tool allows you to use a template Word Document to create documents by inserting data in placeholders {{tags}} for each document generated.
NEW (08/03/2021): Document Generator version 2 out now fixing bugs. Please download the program again.
Sample Usage: COVID-19 Authorization Letter
As companies return to work, some require having an authorization letter to return to work. This letter is used by employees to show at the reception or security for clearance.
Imagine you have 100 employees, it will be very time-consuming to create 100 authorization letters for each employees.
The Document Generator Tool allows you to use 1 Word Document that has tags or placeholders to add information.
For example, if you want to create a COVID-19 authorization letter which includes the Name, Date of Issue and Reason for the letter, you can simply add {{Name}} tag in the place you need to add the name of the person.
An excel file provided with the tool contains the 1st row as the tags followed by information for each person in the subsequent rows.
After running the tool, documents will be created for each person (row) containing information that was in the excel file. In other words, the placeholder or tags are replaced with the information in the excel file.
Therefore, you will have to work with an excel file and one word document to generate as many authorization letters as you want.
MacOS: Use Wine to run the program.
Note: This free version is not the latest version. Contact us to purchase the latest version and receive 1 free workshop and wiki-how video on how to use this tool.
Disclaimer: Your antivirus may flag the program as unsafe. This is because it is a new software which hasn’t been scanned previously. To run the program, let your antivirus run the program.
Alternatively: Download the (.zip) file and use extract the compressed zip file.
Step 1: Install Document Generator (Option 1)
After clicking on the Download Now button above, open the Document Generator Installer.exe file.
When asked to allow for the program to make changes – Say Yes. You will then see the installer.

Click on install and and then close the installer. You will now find the software in your Desktop inside the One Click Solutions folder. In this case the name of the folder will be Document Generator which will contain the following files:

Step 1: Extract the compressed file (Option 2)
You may extract a compressed file using tools such as WinRAR or 7zip.
Right-click on the Document file and click extract or extract to folder.
Step 2: Preparing the Word Document
The sample word document already contains tags to display how to prepare the word document.

There are a few important things to note:
- You can have {{tags}} that are given any labels – numbers, letters or a combination.
- You need to manually type the entire tag on your document. – Copy pasting a tag may result in errors!
- You are free to make your tags bold, italic, or change in size and fonts after entering the tag.
- You can add images to headers and footers.
- Add {{image}} tag in the body (as many as you want)
- You will have to follow the 3 steps below for each image you want to use.
- The program will ask you to select each image based on the number of {{image}} tags you add to the document.
- The program will go through each {{image}} tag from the top to the bottom.

As you may see, it is a massive image and I don’t want to see such a big signature in the document.
Step 1: Drop the image in a Word document
You may use the template word document you are using, or any word document you want and drop the image into it.
The screenshot below shows the signature image shown above dropped at the end of the word document:

Step 2: Resize the image to your liking
You may resize the image to the size you want it to be.

Step 3: Save image
Once you are happy with the size, right-click on the image and press Save as Picture…

You are free to save it wherever you want. Just remember where it is as you will need to select it when you run the program.
You may now delete the picture from the template document or close the new word document you used to resize the image.
Note: You have to follow the 3 steps for each image you want to add to the document you want to generate.
Once you have added your tags to your word document, you are ready for the next step.
Step 3: Adding information on the Excel File
Now that we know what our {{tags}} are called, you may open the InformationForDocumentGenerator.xlsx file.
The first row contains all the {{tags}} we chose for our word document. You are free to copy from your word document or type it.
The information under the first {{tag}} will be used as the name of the file when it is generated. Therefore, it is recommended to always use your first {{tag}} as a name or ID. There is no order in the way the {{tags}} are entered in the row.
Note: Make sure they are exactly the same (Duration is not the same as duration).
Once you have added your {{tags}} to the first row, you may add data for each person in each row corresponding to the {{tag}}.
For the sample file, the following {{tags}} and information is added:

As you may see, the first {{tag}} is {{Name}} as mentioned above. You may also notice the order of the {{tags}} do not matter.
Another important aspect to note is the exactness of the {{tags}}. {{ID}} is spelled as ‘ID’ and {{Name}} is spelled as ‘Name’.
Note: You may add more {{tags}} if you need to.
Note: If you add a {{tag}} in the Word Document but leave the information in the Excel file empty, the file generated will replace the {{tag}} with whitespace (nothing).
Note: You do not add an {{image}} tag in the excel file.
Step 4: Run Document Generator.exe
Now, we are ready to use the Document Generator Program. Double-click or open Document Generator.exe (it has the same icon as shown above).
Give it a few seconds up to a minute and you will be shown the File Dialog Box to select the Word Document you want to use to generate documents.

In this tutorial, we will use the Sample Word Document to generate documents. Please select your own Word Document to generate documents.
If you have an {{image}} tag in your word document (or more than one) you will be prompted to select an image. You will need to select the image you saved after doing the 3 steps for processing the image in Step 2.
Note: You will have to select an image for every {{image}} in the document.

If it is your first time running the program, you will be taken to our Donate Page. We hope you consider donating to keep us going!
Step 5: See Results
To see the files generated, open the Result folder.
It is recommended to sort by ‘Date Modified’ by clicking on the column. This will help you find the latest generation of your files.

You will see the the files named after the information entered in the 1st {{tag}} followed by the name of the file.

A quick glimpse into one of the documents will show all the information filled.

Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below.
Also see: Files Replicator
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